• Wellspring Digital Announces Major Staff Updates

    Wellspring Digital Announces Major Staff Updates

    Company Makes Strategic Hires and Promotion to Better Serve the Digital Marketing Needs of Its Clients For Immediate Release: Frederick MD, October 19, 2022 Wellspring Digital is proud to announce two new hires as well as a promotion. Jennifer Feeney is the new Vice President of Revenue & Sales Enablement. Everitt Chase has joined as…

  • How to Plan Your New Ecommerce Site

    How to Plan Your New Ecommerce Site

    When planning an eCommerce website, there are lots of things to think about. The first question you are going to have to answer is: Who is going to build it? This is a major decision and the one that will define most of your further steps. Hiring a freelance web developer and/or designer, or partnering…

  • Google My Business, Are You Using It to Your Benefit?

    Imagine this: you’re craving Chinese really bad. Thankfully for you, your friend knows the perfect place: a Chinese takeout place that opened up downtown! Unthankfully for you, they don’t know where it’s located, the prices, or any of it. So they use the golden phrase, “Google it.” When you do google it, you find that…

  • The COVID-19 Digital Marketing Reset

    2020 was some year, huh? I’m certain that everyone has at least one tragic story to tell, maybe a relative who got sick, or a friend who lost a job or had to shutter a business. It’s been tough for many of us. Your customers are looking at everything through a different lens now. I…

  • Marketing Isn’t Advertising

    Some people think marketing is simply commercials or ads. They consider it to be some form of paid promotion and nothing else. In their minds, marketing and advertising are the same things, interchangeable words. We all thought blogging and social media would change all that. These new platforms were going to swoop in and save…

  • 6 Things that Can Take Down Your Website

    It’s pretty well understood that if your website takes too long to load your customers will become impatient and venture elsewhere. An estimated 15% of visitors will leave after a mere two seconds! Consider how little time two seconds really is. Think about a site that will not load at all. Now, you understand why…

  • Getting Started with Influencer Marketing

    Influencer marketing is a misused and misunderstood buzzword. Some think it means to call up a Kardashian, pay them a bunch of money, and get them to share an Instagram post about your product or service. While this is an example of influencer marketing, it is more of an outlier, especially for smaller businesses. Small…

  • A Brief History of Google Search Updates

    Google has established itself as a tech giant in the world and amongst other industries. Founded in the late 1990s by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, it became a powerhouse almost immediately. This was largely due to the implemented ideas by its founders and other developers. However, it has maintained this superpower image with constant…