• Conversion Rate Optimization: Don’t Ignore the Micro-Conversions

    Conversion Rate Optimization: Don’t Ignore the Micro-Conversions

      Conversion rate is the number of times someone takes an action on your website. The conversions we optimize are tied to a goal. Generally, this is considered something like orders, a contact form submission, or a product demo. Conversion rate optimization is the process of making small incremental changes to increase the number of…

  • Does Social Media Activity Influence SEO Success?

    Does Social Media Activity Influence SEO Success?

    We all know that social media is an important piece of your digital marketing strategy. But what impact does your social media presence have on your website’s SEO? There are many studies out there, like this very thorough SEO/Social Media examination from CognitiveSEO from 2016 that proves that social media does impact your website’s rankings,…

  • 4 Ways to Boost Sales with Marketing Automation

    Marketing automation is all about using one platform to automate all of your digital marketing activities. Automating tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and pay per click campaigns not only makes your digital marketing more efficient, but it also provides a more personalized experience for your customers and a holistic view of how…

  • Top 5 Tips for Social Media Success

    Top 5 Tips for Social Media Success

              Social media can be a daunting task if you do not know where to begin. Your business can increase growth and potential customers with a few simple techniques. Businesses, whether small or large, can reach new audiences, target audiences, increase sales, and drive traffic to a company site. 1. Goals…

  • How to deal with a Google Algorithm Update

    So here we are again (Sept 25th 2019).. and what I have been starting to call YAGO time (Yet Another Google Update). And yes, things are certainly getting interesting, given that Google themselves told us about it. You see, once upon a time we’d never know if something was going on with Google’s algorithms. We’d…

  • Google and click data – is it a ranking factor?

    If there’s one thing that can drive a veteran SEO nuts, it’s the myths and misconceptions. Beyond the fact that it’s just damned irritating, there’s also real-world affects as we often have to get into debates on them with clients. To the point of actually wasting valuable time dis-proving them. And if you’re me? There’s…

  • Google Discover; A new Angle for SEO

    First things first. The SEO industry often seemingly has a bit of a identity issue. What exactly is it that we do? From “technical” SEOs to content strategists and more… it’s kinda hard to nail down. Link builders? Check. Audit specialists, present and accounted for. To me? At the end of the day I “optimize”…

  • Wellspring Digital Acquires Absolute Web Designs of Cincinnati

    Wellspring Digital Acquires Absolute Web Designs of Cincinnati

    Wellspring Digital Completes Third Acquisition of 2018 on Growth Trail We would like to announce our third acquisition of 2018 with the completed deal for Absolute Web Designs based in the Cincinnati metro area. The press release is here. Bebe Kinnett, founder of Absolute Web Designs joins Wellspring Digital as VP Special Projects, and two…