• Five Best UX Practices that Could Boost Sales this Quarter

    Five Best UX Practices that Could Boost Sales this Quarter

    Working on UX improvement should be an ongoing endeavor. Technology changes frequently and users become adept at navigating a site’s features. Adding fresh insights and functions keeps visitors engaged so they return to the site frequently. Finding the right combination of efforts to improve user experience (UX) and market the advantages to customers helps increase…

  • Essential Digital Marketing Glossary, SEO, Part One

    Essential Digital Marketing Glossary, SEO, Part One

    The digital marketing world is riddled with jargon, acronyms, and other terminology that might be confusing for some. When people ask me what I do at dinner parties, I lose them the minute I hit them with jargon. To that end, Alex Tsygankov and I have decided to give you the glossary that you need…

  • Google E-E-A-T: Authority of Content, Its Author, and The Website Where It Lives

    Google E-E-A-T: Authority of Content, Its Author, and The Website Where It Lives

    Google E-E-A-T, while not a direct ranking factor for SEO, can mean the difference between a website that ranks and one that gets lost in the vast wasteland of Internet noise. Google recently added an extra E to its acronym, turning E-A-T into E-E-A-T, which is even more annoying to type. Anyway, that extra E…

  • Don’t Let Marketing Automation Overwhelm You

    Don’t Let Marketing Automation Overwhelm You

    Technology can be a blessing and a curse, sometimes at the same time, and each year seems to bring more tech to marketers. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by all this new martech whizbang stuff that all the cool kids are talking about. Marketing technology is tough if all you’re focused on is learning all…

  • Wellspring Digital Announces the Opening of Office in Naples, FL

    Wellspring Digital Announces the Opening of Office in Naples, FL

    Wellspring Digital Looks to Further Increase Market Penetration with South-East Florida Office Frederick MD, August 11, 2021: Wellspring Digital announces the opening of an office in Naples FL to serve the South-East Florida market as the company continues to expand its footprint beyond the mid-Atlantic. This is the second office to be opened by the…

  • Does Your Website or Blog Feature Evergreen Content?

    Does Your Website or Blog Feature Evergreen Content?

    Does your website or blog feature evergreen content? This type of content has a longer shelf life than most of the information we publish. Because it’s not tied to the latest headlines, evergreen content remains relevant for years and attracts inbound links. As you know, Google loves sites with plenty of genuine links coming in.…

  • 8 Common PPC Mistakes to Avoid

    8 Common PPC Mistakes to Avoid

    First, what is PPC? When we say PPC at Wellspring Digital, we are talking about any sort of paid search and digital marketing. It could be Google Ads, Bing Ads, Paid Social, Amazon, YouTube, and so on and so forth. For this article, I am going to focus on some high-level and common mistakes that…

  • How To Come Up With A Killer Brand Name

    How To Come Up With A Killer Brand Name

    In business, first impressions last. Your brand name will become your business identity, and it’s crucial to come up with a name that’s striking and original.  At the same time, your brand name needs to stand the test of time: the last thing you’ll need is an expensive rebranding exercise when you realize your chosen…