• How to Avoid an SEO Calamity with Your Next Website Redesign

    How to Avoid an SEO Calamity with Your Next Website Redesign

    First of all, I love the word calamity. Second of all, website redesigns are all too often the cause of an SEO calamity. You know, loss of rankings, traffic, and, gulp, sales! One of the most common website redesign mistakes is to leave SEO out of the process until the last minute. You spend tons…

  • Yoast Is Not An SEO Strategy

    Yoast Is Not An SEO Strategy

    I have nothing against Yoast, they’re a great company run by very smart people. I use the Yoast plugin all the time. But, and I think the people at Yoast would agree, the plugin alone is not a viable SEO strategy, it’s a tool. We work with clients and client vendors who come to us…

  • Does Website UX Matter for SEO?

    Does Website UX Matter for SEO?

    In the past, in another life, I argued that SEO was simply just good UX (user experience). This was a massive oversimplification of what SEO really involves, and I admit I was naive and not very learned in the art of technical SEO. Well, now I work for Karl Hindle, a world-class SEO, and I…

  • A Brief History of Google Search Updates

    Google has established itself as a tech giant in the world and amongst other industries. Founded in the late 1990s by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, it became a powerhouse almost immediately. This was largely due to the implemented ideas by its founders and other developers. However, it has maintained this superpower image with constant…

  • Why Google E-A-T Should Matter to Everyone

    No, Google is not looking to start eating people, at least not publicly. Sorry. Where was I? Oh yeah, Google E-A-T. Google added E-A-T to its search quality guidelines in 2014. E-A-T stands for… Expertise Authoritativeness Trustworthiness Since then there has been lots of speculation as to whether E-A-T is part of Google’s search algorithm…