• 3 Things Digital Marketers Can Do Now for Long-Term Success

    3 Things Digital Marketers Can Do Now for Long-Term Success

    Being online makes people impatient. Whether it’s individuals or businesses, everyone wants quick responses and fast results. Their metrics may differ, but the underlying impatience can be observed across the spectrum. With digital marketing though, you have got to play the long game. There is never a point at which businesses can switch to auto-pilot…

  • Can Sales Enablement Help Marketing and Sales to See Eye to Eye?

    Can Sales Enablement Help Marketing and Sales to See Eye to Eye?

    How many articles and books have you read recently that told you to make sure your sales and marketing teams are working together? I have seen quite a few in my travels. The Old Sales and Marketing Model Back in the pre-digital days, marketing and sales were often two very different departments with different sets…

  • Conversion Rate Optimization: Don’t Ignore the Micro-Conversions

    Conversion Rate Optimization: Don’t Ignore the Micro-Conversions

      Conversion rate is the number of times someone takes an action on your website. The conversions we optimize are tied to a goal. Generally, this is considered something like orders, a contact form submission, or a product demo. Conversion rate optimization is the process of making small incremental changes to increase the number of…

  • Silent Surfers Squash Your Sales Funnel

    Silent Surfers Squash Your Sales Funnel

    Warning:  This blog may make sales managers nervous, and potential buyers smile and nod.  Remember “back in the day” when sales representatives could estimate their future sales through a pipeline? Our marketing efforts pulled leads into the top of the funnel, and our sales team closely guided those leads through the funnel to a sale.…

  • The COVID-19 Digital Marketing Reset

    2020 was some year, huh? I’m certain that everyone has at least one tragic story to tell, maybe a relative who got sick, or a friend who lost a job or had to shutter a business. It’s been tough for many of us. Your customers are looking at everything through a different lens now. I…